
The success of your Enterprise Software project depends on finding the right partner for your project.  We make it easy.

Raven Intelligence is an independent peer review site that helps Enterprise Software customers find, hire and review the best consulting partner for their implementation. We provide business leaders with valuable transparency into the software implementation process and raise the visibility of consulting partners who are doing the most to help their customers achieve the maximum benefit from their software purchase. Our site provides free access to hundreds of vetted customer reviews about Enterprise Cloud Software projects, as well as to the profiles and ratings of over 150 consulting firms—from the Big 5 to boutique organizations.

1-minute video on how Raven helps Software Buyers

Unlike an analyst firm, 100% of our guidance is based upon customer review data. Raven analyzes a partner firm’s track record of project success to help buyers know the experience of their peers.

100% of our reviews are verified. We know the identity of every one of our reviewers (via work email & LinkedIn), which company they work at, and have validated their company uses the software they have reviewed. We disqualify approximately 20% of the reviews submitted when we are unable to verify full credentials. At no time can a partner, software company or other party pay for favorable data or for Raven to delete negative reviews or for favorable reporting.

Search profiles of 200+ partners and gain visibility into all your options to make a data-driven choice.

Reinvention of the Partner Process

Modernizing the process to select a consulting firm for HCM cloud project work is long overdue.  Raven Intel is big step in the right direction toward increasing HR project transparency and enabling customers to independently select the best partner.

Mike Ettling
ERP Cloud Executive

The debut of Raven Intel at the HR Tech Conference

Raven Intel was the (unintended) belle of the ball. This startup has developed great data on HR implementations and implementation partners. Everyone was talking about them and, one of the founders was apparently in my session audience.  I’d say these folks got a great launch. Now, let’s see their second act. (source)

Brian Sommer

Realize the full value of ENSW investment

Raven Intel’s insights into software project partners guides customers in picking the right partner.  The team really has a pulse on the market, great insights into what hiccups projects encounter and recommendations to avoid them.”

Janice Daloia

Increased Odds for Success

No cure-all for avoiding failed projects but I continue to insist that regular gut/project health checks from expert independents not tied to prime vendor + partner are vitally important. Most bad projects I’ve seen are insular, with little connect to external peers/user groups. (source)


Jon Reed
Diginomica co-founder

Great team, model & future

Just met face to face for the first time with Raven Intel.  Great team, great model, great data, great future.

Josh Greenbaum

Implementation Intelligence

“Raven Intel is quickly establishing itself as the go-to source of information for those gathering intelligence on deployment services”

Trey Campbell, CEO

Streamline the RFP Process

Raven Intelligence can help you get quotes from multiple software consulting partners, making it easy for you to compare your options and receive a competitive bid. Enter some brief details on the right and a member of our team will reach out to help you get started.

  • Systems you implement / sell / use:
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Raven Intelligence customers come to us to access more than 2,000 software implementation reviews. We make it easy to pick a partner that’s right for your organization—entirely based on peer review data.
