ASUG Talent Hub is a new way to find the qualified, independent SAP contractors you need to complete your projects. As the nation’s first SAP-centric, aggregated talent pool, ASUG Talent Hub is the new way to hire SAP contingent workers. We bring together the best SAP independent consultants from North America’s finest niche SAP staffing firms, ensuring expediency, quality, and cost effectiveness allowing you to complete your SAP projects on time and in budget.
ASUG Talent Hub works with SAP-focused staffing firms to bring you the right expert at the right time.
Multiple delivery partners means you’ll receive curated resumes for qualified candidates within 48 hours.
Multiple sources of talent delivered through one platform makes the process efficient and cost effective.
You get the best talent from multiple delivery partners but only have one service agreement to manage.
There are no job posting fees or expiration on your posts on ASUG Talent Hub.
The user-friendly ASUG Talent Hub makes it easy to post your SAP temporary or contingent jobs.
There are no job posting fees or expiration on your posts on ASUG Talent Hub.
Multiple delivery partners means you'll receive curated resumes for qualified candidates within 48 hours.
ASUG Talent Hub works with SAP-focused staffing firms to bring you the right expert at the right time.